Is Antidepressant Harmful to Plastic Surgery?

According to the initial research, discontinuing antidepressants before plastic and reconstructive surgery is improbable to prevent subjects and may instead upturn the chance of postoperative difficulties connected to the patient’s underlying depression.

Patients undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery or patients with breast cancer undergoing breast reconstruction may have significantly greater rates of antidepressant use. While plastic surgeons are cautious of treatments that could cause difficulties, such as blood thinners, antidepressants are frequently not a concern.

Of course, each patient is unique, and certain considerations must be taken on an individual basis, but research suggests that taking antidepressants before and after your plastic surgery procedure will not raise your risk of difficulties.

Latest Research Aspects

Will antidepressants make your recovery from liposuction, or other plastic surgery procedure slower or more difficult? Yes, according to conventional perception, but new evidence reveals that this may not be the case. The results of a review of six research looking into the increased risk of bleeding following plastic surgery were, at best, inconclusive.
Indeed, the authors of this meta-analysis found the risks of worsening depressive symptoms or triggering “discontinuation syndrome” to be knowingly more concerning, leading them to advise against stopping antidepressants before surgery. Of course, each patient’s situation is unique, and this will need to be explored further during your initial visit.

Who is the best Candidate for Plastic Surgery?

Is it true that taking antidepressants stops you from having plastic surgery? Perhaps not, but it’s something to think about. Meeting with a Goals Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery® expert to determine your candidacy for a face, breast, or body operation is the best way to find out.

We Care About Your Necessities

Goals Plastic experts are experienced plastic surgeons that genuinely care about our patients’ needs. They will attentively listen to all of your concerns during your initial plastic surgery appointment, thoroughly analyze your medical history, and explain preoperative steps that will lower your risks and improve the possibility of satisfactory results. While antidepressants are unlikely to be an impact, other medications and supplements could be. To ensure your safety and satisfaction, this will be covered in greater detail during your visit with our expert.

Implications for Plastic Surgery Experts

The findings are encouraging for plastic surgeons. It means that there’s little reason for patients to stop taking antidepressants to undergo an operation, allowing them to maintain a positive mindset that will help them prepare for and recover more quickly. Any sign of ongoing mental troubles, interpersonal issues, or body dysmorphic should raise an alarm. If there is any doubt, the plastic surgeon can obtain a letter from the prescribing doctor or talk with him.

Implications for Plastic Surgery Patients

Patients who are considering plastic surgery and are on antidepressants should:
Check with their primary care physician to see how he or she feels about their specific medication and procedure, as well as to see if any further safety information has been released.
Carefully examine their motivations for plastic surgery to ensure that their expectations are in line with the expected outcomes.
Inform their plastic surgeon about the medicine they’re taking, and be ready to talk about their emotional health and readiness for surgery.
In most circumstances, doctors and patients should not be concerned about the effects of antidepressant medication on the dangers of physical plastic surgery.

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